Wednesday, April 11, 2012

After the Rain

After the Rain
We had a torrential rain on night last week, odd since we're still in the dry season.  The summer monsoons don't usually start till around Memorial Day, and then not in earnest till about mid June.  Still, it really seemed like a minor hurricane that night.

Afterward, Jackie and I went for a walk, me with my Leica, of course.  I just recently saw some photos from a friend of mine in New York, posted on his Tumblr account.  They're all very dark and brooding nighttime images, also shot with a Leica, btw.  The photos have stayed with me since and, well, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I guess.  Another way to put it is that "good artists copy, great artists steal", as Picasso is supposed to have said.  Well, I'll let others judge whether I merely copied from Dennis or if I stole.  I'll post those images some other time.

For now, I just ran into this umbrella, an obvious casualty of the storm, lying next to a puddle, a remnant of the storm, and thought the juxtaposition made for a good image. 

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